Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Flood in Bentong, Pahang

Heavy rain in the month of February 2003 caused flood in Bentong.
The town in Bentong and areas nearby was affected. One of the primary schools, Sekolah Rendah Tengku Fatimah was affected by the flood. I was lucky to have taken the picture myself.
Hujan lebat yang melanda Bentong pada bulan February 2003 telah menyebabkan banjir. Bandar Bentong dan kawasan sekitarnya terjejas akibat banjir. Salah satu sekolah yang terkena banjir ialah Sekolah Rendah Tengku Fatimah. Saya bernasib baik kerana dapat mengambil gambar-gambar ini sendiri.

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